Hey there!
I am a lecturer at the Computer Science Division at Stellenbosch University and researche fellow at Centre for Research on Evaluation, Science and Technology (CREST) and at the School for Data Science and Computation Thinking.
I completed all of my degrees at Stellenbosch University:
- BSc in Computer Science and Operations Research (2010)
- MScHons in Computer Science (2012)
- MSc in Computer Science (2014)
- Thesis: Analysing Ranking Algorithms and Publication Trends on Scholarly Citation Networks
- Focus on comparing PageRank-like ranking algorithms on how well they identify highly-influential researchers and high-impact/high-quality research articles.
- PhD in Computer Science (2018)
- Dissertation: Using test data to evaluate rankings of entities in large scholarly citation networks
- Source code of the evaluation framework
- Focus on how well state-of-the-art citation metrics and iterative ranking methods (PageRank) identify high-impact researchers and papers, while also quantifying their topical and temporal biases. Statistical methods were developed to enable the computation of significance values when comparing two or more ranking algorithms to each other when using test data (gold-standard or oracle data)
Contact Information¶
Office at Computer Science
Stellenbosch University
Private Bag X1, Matieland 7602, South Africa
University of Stellenbosch
2nd Floor of the Decanting Building, Hammanshand Road. Stellenbosch, South Africa
Tel.: +27 21 808 4232
E-mail: marceldunaiski@sun.ac.za